Average Yearly Salary
The average yearly salary for a Next.js Specialist is $136K per year, with a minimum base salary of $105K and a maximum of $167K
A Remote Next.js Specialist makes an average of $136K per year, with a minimum base salary of $105K and a maximum of $167K
Top Paying Companies in Next.js Specialist
1 | Robinhood | $146,000 to $255,000 per year |
2 | Livepeer | $100,000 to $180,000 per year |
3 | Synapse | $70,000 to $150,000 per year |
- Next.js Specialist in North America in average makes $128K - $199K per year
- Next.js Specialist in Europe in average makes $79K - $133K per year
Next.js Specialist Salary by Region
Region | Avg Yearly Salary | Min Yearly Salary | Max Yearly Salary |
North America | $163,667 | $100,000 | $255,000 |
Europe | $105,667 | $36,000 | $170,000 |
Next.js Specialist Salary by Country
Country | Avg Yearly Salary | Min Yearly Salary | Max Yearly Salary |
United States | $163,667 | $100,000 | $255,000 |
Canada | $135,000 | $100,000 | $170,000 |
United Kingdom | $135,000 | $100,000 | $170,000 |
Lithuania | $47,000 | $36,000 | $58,000 |
Next.js Specialist Salary by Location
Location | Avg Yearly Salary | Min Yearly Salary | Max Yearly Salary |
California | $169,000 | $120,000 | $220,000 |
San Francisco | $155,000 | $120,000 | $190,000 |
New York | $146,666 | $100,000 | $199,998 |
How Next.js Specialist salary has changed in 2023
Month | Avg Salary |
January 2023 | $77,500 |
February 2023 | $78,500 |
March 2023 | $79,500 |
April 2023 | $80,500 |
May 2023 | $81,500 |
June 2023 | $82,500 |
July 2023 | $83,500 |
August 2023 | $84,500 |
September 2023 | $85,500 |
October 2023 | $86,500 |
November 2023 | $87,500 |
December 2023 | $88,500 |
Percentage of Next.js Specialist remote jobs compared to non remote in 2023
Month | % of Remote Jobs |
January 2023 | 13 % |
February 2023 | 67 % |
March 2023 | 50 % |
April 2023 | 7 % |
May 2023 | 100 % |
June 2023 | 94 % |
July 2023 | 14 % |
August 2023 | 50 % |
September 2023 | 29 % |
October 2023 | 33 % |
November 2023 | 31 % |
December 2023 | 70 % |
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